Friday, June 17, 2011


Slowly but surely we are making design progress around our little apartment.  When hubby and I first got married, I was in grad school and we were living life simply on one income.  Needless to say, we were surrounded by hand-me-down furniture that we were deeply grateful for but we were not in-style (or in the correct decade). 

I decided to share with you a little chronological photo gallery of progress:
Hand-me-down couch and loveseat from aunt

Fabulous Room & Board steal-of-a-deal couch from Craig's list

Not so barren walls

We have some more projects currently in the works.  I will be adding four pictures like the ones below to the wall behind the couch.  We are also building an ottoman!  A how-to on the ottoman would be a good idea, but we are kind of making it as we go along, so I don't think our directions would be very helpful.  Besides, my directions would read: 1) Come up with a good idea to store our crap 2) Tell hubby idea 3) Pick a fabric 4) Have hubby use his mad skillz to build said ottoman after multiple trips to Home Depot

Sorry- didn't change the direction, but you get the idea

Ottoman in process

 I would love for you to share your great transformations or awesome how-to projects with me!